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Then They Were Twelve.

On the weekend, I took advantage of a storm day to cast up 5 more charging figures plus a drummer from the 'new' Prussian range to complete 'A' Company of the 28th Regiment.

The Yellow facings look more yellow in real life.

Of course no sooner had I based the first six when I spotted the bags of flexible metal bases I had bought several years so I could put my Prince August figures onto a slightly narrower frontage and use magnetized movement stands. So I had to pop the others off the old washers and remount them but there we are.

A prototype Grenadier painted up a couple of years ago, back when I hoped PA would do British figures for the 7YW within my lifetime.

Now to do grenadiers and another company of line plus a battalion command group. I quite like this charging figure but I had trouble getting both raised foot and bayonet to cast at the same time and the gate connects to their back at a spot where it is hard to get a hack saw at it and even harder to get a file in to smooth it.

So, the next unit will be using the newer Prussian moulds, not sure yet which heads I'll use. As a bonus that'll make it easy to keep the 2 line companies sorted.
Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/