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Once More To Battle With Macduff

My MacDuff to the Frontier rules haven't hit the table very often since I became enamoured of grids and no figure removal but I intend to change that this year. Its been more than 20 years since the Courier published them and as one does, I started tweaking them years back and it all got out of hand. A couple of years ago I started trying to get them back closer to the original idea but at the same time trying to adjust things so I can use them for larger games in less time, especially at conventions, but I haven't really touched them in a year.

This scenario was a simple 2 equal and opposing forces are sent to capture the Stone Inn, at the same time.
About 5 turns in. Both forces are finally on table but Red (the Maritime Alliance) has seized the Inn. Opposing cavalry have clashed indecisively and Red has decided to switch his to the other flank and trust to his infantry to hold off Blue's cavalry beyond the inn.

A rules error by Red has resulted in his Grenadiers being driven out of the inn by amazingly destructive close range volleys by MacDuff's Grenadiers. Blue saw what looked like an opportunity and sent in his cavalry. The infantry held fire to the last minute and tore the Orleans regiment  to shreds! 

MacDuff's Grenadiers have seized the Inn. The Irish made a bad call (based on rules and the card draw sequence), fired at long range then advanced rather than advancing and holding fire only to have MacDuff's advance holding fire then pour in a deadly volley during the simpulan fire phase then get first card on the next turn allowing them another deadly volley, breaking the Irish.  All looks good for Blue and dismal for Red, apart from Fitzjames's Horse on the flank. 

The combined fired of Red's artillery and Grenadiers has forced MacDuff's to fall back while the Red Horse has over run Blue's artillery. Given a breathing space, the Irish have rallied.

Red's infantry storms the Inn while a counter attack by the Orleans Cavalry is routed by Fitzjames' Horse. However, the Queen's regiment is finally engaging, if they can break Red's infantry while MacDuff's reform, the battle can still be won.

Nothing like a cavalry charge into the rear of a rallying infantry unit  to clear a battlefield. The Blue commander was forced to order a retreat while the Queen's Regiment was still capable of providing a rearguard. (In other words Blue's army break point was reached.)
A couple of quick lessons: there are some critical bits missing off the quick reference sheet and I am rusty enough that I should have had one in hand instead of working from memory with an occasional peek at my tablet.

I think I need to try a bigger game now.
Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/