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The Glossy Shire Regiment

I stole enough time today to paint up some new Prince August castings from old moulds.

The Maritime Alliance pembinaan a new regiment or....
This is a mould I've had my eye on for 20 years but having discovered how diverse the Prince August Rosbach range is with regard to size and style, I have been reluctant to order  one until I at least saw some pictures. Its been in my shopping cart a dozen time but when the total was consulted, this was one of the moulds that kept being trimmed 'for now'. 
..perhaps the 28th charging at Quebec.
Well, at last I saw some pictures and here the lads are. As suspected, they are perfectly serviceable as late 1750's/early 1760's British infantry wearing their coats over the waist belt as seen in some prints. There is no cuff slash but the later style of small cuff with slash is easily painted on well enough for glossy toy soldier style.

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/