OK 1 General and 18 mounted 1/72nd cavalry mounted and based and 4 dismounted cavalry painted and a bunch of older figures sorted and ......and..well, I've had enough fiddling with 1/72nd stuff for a bit.
The Umpteenth X State Cavalry |
SoandSo's Legion |
If I'm stern with myself I should be able to at least paint some of the remaining
pre-cut-but-thinner-than-I-would-like bases green and glue the rest of the chosen selection of old figures onto to bases before they all get jumbled up again. I'll flock them next time I get in the mood then I need to name all the regiments.
It took some doing but I managed to avoid having any troopers shooting the next guy in the head. |
Six weeks until the Winter Campaigning Season opens. In the meantime, back to painting some nice, big, simple, glossy toy soldiers with an occasional quick game.
Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/