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Tramp, Tramp, Tramp

General Kinch consults his staff as his 2nd Division marches to the battlefield.

Well, its hot out and the table was all set up and ...well, what did you expect? I was going to squeeze a Charge! game in but its been nearly a year since the ACW  boys have been out. I still have a hungering to use the little guys to fight bigger battles than my bigger figures do,  (There's an equation in there somewhere.) so I revisited my plans to use 6ish stand Brigades as units and decided to rewrite the rules a bit to include some Featherstonian influences which somehow turned into Charge! influences, not to mention OTR and BOFF. At any rate the revised rules look like this: a Plastic Army of the Potomic.

The Yankees storm the hill with 2:1 odds while detaching a Division to hold up Reb reinforcements.
In a nutshell, variable length moves with a command roll if not "in command". The Side with initiative moves first, then the other, then shooting is simultaneous then charges are resolved. Broken units may be rallied and recover up to 1/2 stands if successful. Very quick and easy, not a lot of low level detail but lots of room for special unit rules and  similar sorts of tinkering.

OK, the first attack did not succeed as well as the Yankee commander had hoped but Reb casualties had been heavy and their reinforcements have not broken through the Zouave roadblock yet
At first I thought it was too fast and deadly but lo and behold it was turn 13 out of 15 when the Rebs morale broke and had been a ding dong fight lasting at least an hour if not more. I think that I will be able to use more figures now should I paint them up.
Second try was a charm and the inevitable counter attack was repulsed. The Rebs are done for today.
OK, back to the painting desk!
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