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Enough Already!

Well, I'm not done sorting and arranging figures and books or figuring where to store the rest of the surplus or "needs work" figures but I'm done!
The Elastolin Prince Valiant and Viking figures can go  at it day and night now.
On the far side of the room are the 16th Century and Prince Valiant shelves. I had to leave space for my gathering Turkish army on the middle shelf and that hasn't really left any room for the Romans but then I didn't really want a Roman army, they just kept sneaking into various lots of other figures until there was an army's worth. They are  probably prime candidates for resale.

Zoomed out view of the still-being-stocked and sorted North Wall figure and book shelves.

But, for now, its time to clear my mind of plans and problems, clear the jetsam from my table and get a game set up.

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/