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This weekend I've finally gotten back to work on my room.  My remaining 25's have again been banished to boxes in the cupboard leaving this wall of shelves for the 18thC and 19thC armies and the other wall for the 16thC and older armies. The bookshelves have been shifted and finally put in order and I've moved the table a little to make more room for players between the table and shelves.

Nearly 12 done.
Once I get the troop shelves on both walls adjusted and refilled, it'll be time to build the table. (At the moment its a few pieces of thin plywood balanced on various improvised supports.)  I do actually have room to make the table just a bit bigger but I've found that I almost never use all of this table as it is.

It seems that the time spent learning how to adapt rules, scenarios and armies to smaller playing surfaces has born fruit.

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/