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Kicking The Agw Tires At Sittingbad

Since Sittingbad was still set up on my table, I decided to get the Prince August homecasts out for my now customary last game of the year, then decided to try out the draft of A Gentleman's War again.

The cavalry clash early on.
Initially I deployed 2x12 inf/6 cavalry or light infantry units for each Charge! regiment in the original. It didn't take long to realize that I had botched the unit translation  considering how the activation works. Not being shy about jumping horses in midstream (or about mixing metaphors), I changed that to 1x18 figure infantry or 9 cavalry or light infantry for each Charge! unit. That worked well.
The whole Rosmark army is now on table but the player controlling them has been too slow and cautious.
Yes OK that was me but it was a matter of honest poor decisions while I learned not only the rules but how to make the best use of them.)   
Once again the rules worked well but while each rule is simple, there are a lot of them and the various tables will need a few games to memorize for those like me who have gotten used to much simpler games. The card play puts an interesting twist on top of the game and there was a time I would hated it but I'm a little easier on such things these days and they can be quite fun.

The Hold cards are not quite the same when you know and control both hands but they are too useful to skip. I think some of my friends here might enjoy playing the card playing aspect of the rules.

Playing this game also reminded me that playing a non-gridded, card activation  game like MacDuff or AGW, solo, on a 4x6 table, means ALOT of circling the table to move units or retrieve tapes or rulers.

The supplies have been evacuated and the Maritime army is well on its way to safety.
What's next? We'll have to wait and see. Time is running short on selecting a game to run at Huzzah next May so picking one and preparing for it needs to be my main focus until its ready. 

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/