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Track battery life with batterybar and batterybar pro for windows. statistical calculations on past usage give batterybar increased accuracy.. Battery doctor is a free battery saving app that can extend your battery life up to 50% by finding apps and settings that drain power on your device.. Batterycare - application and good practice guide for maintaining and optimizing the battery of the modern laptop.
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Download battery doctor apk file v6.24 (com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en, battery-doctor.apk). double your standby time in 1 tap, close power-draining apps and prevent power wastage, preset modes for fast and energy-efficient power saving.. Battery’s discharge cycles monitoring the advanced algorithm accurately records when a complete discharge cycle is performed. when the configured number of discharge cycles is reached, a notification balloon pops up to remind that a full discharge is required.. Download go battery saver & power widget .apk gratis terbaru – ada lagi aplikasi penghemat baterai android terbaik nih selain battery doctor .apk yang juga gratis. go battery saver – manajer daya terbaik di dunia dengan 15.000.000 + download dan 4,5 rating bintang !.