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Silent Hill 4 Doll Key

The doll key is a key that is obtained in silent hill 4: the room. henry townshend must obtain it in order to unlock room 303 of south ashfield heights during his first visit to the apartment world.room 303 belongs to his neighbor eileen galvin, and henry seeks to enter her apartment believing she is in danger.. Doll key location: by henry's bed by the far wall in his apartment bedroom, after reading the red diary scrap cont. memo after slipping the specific torn red paper under room 302's door during the apartment world.. Silent hill 4: the room, has all the new features you would not want to miss. reading reviews is another thing, playing and enjoying (getting freaked out) the game is another story. this is the second faq i'm writing for the silent hill series, and since they're a few good complete walkthroughs for the game already, i chose to write an item.

            The doll key is a key that is obtained in silent hill  Silent Hill 4 Doll Key

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Welcome to the 19th part of my silent hill 4 walkthrough. if you enjoy my videos you can subscribe. henry now re enters the forest world, he finds walter sullivan chasing him.. The shabby doll is an optional item offered to henry townshend by walter sullivan in the apartment world in silent hill 4: the room. origin eileen giving her doll to a homeless walter.. The doll is a monster that appears in silent hill: downpour.it attacks by spawning shadows, translucent silhouettes of the original monster that are capable of movement.they seem to be related to anne marie cunningham..

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