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Burnout Legends Metacritic

Burnout legends is a racing video game developed by criterion games and published by electronic arts for playstation portable. the game features many of the tracks and gameplay modes from the first three burnout games, but repackaged for the handheld format.. Metacritic game reviews, burnout legends for ds, inflict carnage and destruction as you tear through the best from the burnout series made exclusively for handheld gaming. race the legen.... Magically tranformes burnout 3 into a handheld game. certainly the best racing game on the psp, some might say legends is the best burnout magically tranformes burnout 3 into a handheld game. certainly the best racing game on the psp, some might say legends is the best burnout ever - its essentially an updated and fleshed out version of burnout 3 with extra courses, modes and cars..

            Burnout legends is a racing video game developed by criterion games and publis Burnout Legends Metacritic

Burnout dominator box shot for psp - gamefaqs

Read what all the top critics had to say about burnout dominator for playstation 2 at metacritic.com. terrible graphics for 2007, physics is **** and only good burnout games is burnout legends and paradise, others burnout games are **** . i hope i don't see burnout worse .. Burnout legends is a high speed arcade style racer that is all about crashing and boost. the game rewards you with boost for driving dangerously. some examples would be weaving through traffic.