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The Party's Over

Well another wargaming getaway has gone by.
Compulsory vacation picture: Sunrise from the cottage deck. (and yes I screwed up on the panorama process)
A report on the two miniatures games will follow  when I get my hands on more of the photos taken by others.

Like this 25mm ECW picture snitched from Rob.

and when all the good food, wine and beer have settled and my brain stops thinking about the Senior Wargamers' Cottage Commune and chuckling and eye rolling at the jokes and the gaming incidents, and just plain glowing with the pleasure of time spent with old friends and new.

For now I'll leave you the quip of the weekend which came during a Viking Invasion board game.
Mike: "It takes a Pillage to Raze a Church"
Photo by Paul.

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/