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We Need More Men!

Time to go on a recruiting drive.
First up. Somewhere over several moves and years in storage, the Victoria rifles have lost a rifleman and their officer. Since the set of moulds that The Wargame Hermit (of said blog) kindly passed me contain a mould for a prone figure, and I've managed to vent the rifle which  was giving me trouble, I'm adding one of these, just substituting a forage cap for the bearskin.  

First Up Point Five. The original Rifles officer was the ACW fellow in frock coat with his hands on his hips because that and the running officer were all that I had. What I want is one of the guys with field glasses. Actually, I want at least 5 of these if not more, so....I've sawn off the head of my armless, antique, kneeling grenadier officer and borrowed the arms from my artillery's Major Stuart. As long as I'm making a mould, might as well throw in some heads: a kepi for the Rebels, a Kilmarnock cap, and a cavalry helmet for dismounted cavalry.

Second Up. A start on 6 firing Fort Henry Guard. Might swap the standing officer for a binocular guy.
work, work, work.....

Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/