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Ok Back To Work!

The Zouave mould worked quite well except for one little problem: the bayonet!

The Papal Zouaves that Britain's didn't make!
(in progress)

After about six increasingly drastic vent cutting sessions, I finally got bayonets....and FLASH, major flash.

At first, I almost gave up on the bayonets but what kind of Zouave wants to charge without a bayonet on his rifle? It took some careful snipping, grinding and filing but one has been rescued so far with 2 more started. Hopefully they'll look OK once painted.

You may notice the not very French looking pack but after preparing to make a pack with blanket wrapped around it I noticed that the original Britains' Zouaves don't seem to have the blanket roll, so I'm just using the Fort Henry Guard pack.

I suspect there will be several regiments of Zouaves.  Wallace's Zouaves, also in grey, would be a good choice but I could see doing some simple conversions from kepis to stocking cap/fezzes and doing the classic, possibly erroneous, Louisiana Tiger look in brown jackets and striped pants.
Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/