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Teaser: The Origawn Rebellion Goes Hot At Moose Creek

Happy Canada Day to us!

The first shots in the Origawn War have been fired! There's no stopping it now!
The Rebels open fire and redeploy as the Red Queen's army appears on the far side of the bridge over Moose Creek.
What a relief it is to once again have a free hand to not only imagine the armies, the politics and the military situation, but to not know the outcome in advance! Will Origawn fight its way to freedom or be once again ground under the Red Queen's High Heels? Only time will tell.

Emotions are running high, I'm predicting a seven or even nine year war.

An overview of the table at the end of Turn 1.
Hmmm there seems to be a lot of empty space on the battlefield. I have a feeling that these armies are going to need more men!.

The Grey army (yeah I know a large chunk of the army is in Blue but I want to avoid confusion with Oberhilse's army.) has moved a significant percentage of their combat ready forces to the bridge at Molasses junction. Their plan is to hold this line until they have enough force to cross over into the Blue River valley.

Hearing of this, General Douglas, the commander of the Queen's Field Force, has determined to launch a pre-emptive strike. A portion of his force has been dispatched to pin and distract the enemy at the bridge while the rest makes a forced march over a crossing to the East to flank the enemy and rout his army.

Well, that's the plan anyway. We'll see how it goes.
Sumber https://gameofmonth.blogspot.com/